What To Do When You Have Done too Much!

We all have our indulgences.Even with the best intentions sometimes, we just over do it. But the question is what do we do when you have indulged maybe a bit too much this past Thanksgiving weekend? Hopefully you loved every minute and every morsel.  It happens … sometimes.

Getting back on track is all in your mindset. Here’s how:

1. Start NOW with the very next food choice. Not tomorrow, on Monday, after vacation.                But right now. 

2. Have Intention With Each Decision.
The small daily decisions make the biggest impact. They make a world of difference in your day, life, health and your mindset.

3. Drink Your Greens
If you haven’t started, work my Go-Go Juice into your daily. I know I say this all the time, but if there was one thing that has had the biggest impact on my health and overall wellness, this is it.
It will increase your energy, cleanse your mind, detoxify your body and overall lift your mood.
I promise you it will change the way you feel and live.


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