Hangover Help is Here

Suffering from self-inflicted misery from a previous night of excessive fun, drinking and hours of excessive moving and shaking with friends rather than your usual beauty sleep. Was it worth it. If it was fun, then I say yes! As long as it’s not every night.

I feel you. The first things you should know about the dreaded hangover is A) You’re super dehydrated, and B) Your liver is sore and very unhappy. Both of which are not incurable, and once resolved, you will feel a million times better.

I know you are thinking that it will never, ever go away. But it does, and it will, eventually. So where do we begin? Here are the best hangover helpers, sorry no quick cure:

  • Drink Coconut Water

On the night of the fun, before you fall asleep (that is, if you’re not dancing), chug as much coconut water as possible. The electrolytes and antioxidants in the coconut water will stop a morning headache in it’s tracks, while re-hydrating all those cells you so willingly drained after a third or fourth cocktail. Keep in mind, that we also become dehydrated after a normal night’s sleep, so getting hydrated before the issue gets any worse is KEY. Try and drink another coconut water upon waking the next morning, too.

  • Use Peppermint Essential Oil

This ultra-cooling essential oil is the perfect bedside remedy after you wake up with a pounding headache. Place 5 drops in a glass of cold water and gulp it down to aid the digestive process. Then place two drops on your palms, rub together, and breathe in extra deep allowing the cooling sensation to travel, literally, behind your skin. Finish off by rubbing several drops on your temples and if you are lucky enough, sink back into bed and let the cooling effects of peppermint erase the head hurt and tummy troubles. Seriously, it works.

  • Eat Avocados

Remember hydration, hydration, hydration. Think water yes, but think food too. Until you’re feeling better, avoid dehydrating foods such as breads, nut butters and rice. We know, cooked carbs are what we are craving, but in reality, you’re just thirsty! So eat hydrating nutrients from fruits and all other highly hydrating lettuces and vegetables, like creamy avocados. Avocados are full of benefits thanks to their healthy fat content, but did you know that this study has been proving that those who eat more avocado are less likely to endure liver damage. I love this! Avos have twice as much potassium as a banana, anti-inflammatory properties, and your body burns their fats for sustainable energy. An avocado a day keeps the doctor away!

  • Sweat

I realize how insane this sounds when your body is crying in undulated pain, but sweating out the toxins from the night before will speed up the recovery process and get the blood flowing to all the right places again. This could mean an intense workout (like hot yoga or cycling), or something as simple as time in the sauna/ steam room – just rinse it all out. Also, aim to get some proper fresh air + sunshine while you’re at it.

  • Take It Easy On Your Digestion

Take it easy on your sweet stomach today. Last night was likely a well-deserved overload on your system, though an overload nonetheless. Drink something green, yes this will do; make some warming soup; breathe deep before you reach for the chips and greasy breakfast sandwich and show your body some slower love after a quicker night. It’s all about the balance, right? 

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