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Sun Kissed

Harness the sun’s orange glow with this simple zingy juice. Bursting with Vitamin C, it’s perfect to keep colds away while promoting healthy, glowing skin. The red bell pepper plus an orange provides almost 500% of your daily Vitamin C needs. Nice! The carotenoids (or carotenes) that gives beets and red peppers their colourful hue may also help reduce cardiovascular diseases and the risk for certain cancers, including breast cancer. This juice is perfection. Kids love the crazy fuscia colour, but ease up on the potent ginger for them.


  • 1 thumb Ginger more for extra zing
  • 2 Oranges
  • 1/2 Cucumber
  • 2 stalks Celery
  • 2 Small red beets
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Red pepper halved and seeded


  • Peel orange, ginger and lemon.
  • Wash red pepper (capsicum).
  • Juice all ingredients and serve over ice.