Travel, Well Nourished Travel is huge part of our family's life and we have had our fair share of travel adventures. All of that on hold for awhile. But even now amongst this chaotic COVID climate, we went East to see family for a month. We...

Here are 30+ tricks to jumpstart your health. Don't feel like you need to incorporate all of them, but the ones that resonate, try.  Even if you discover 3 or 4 to help you get to a healthier you, that's a start. Half the work...

Cacao Puffed Quinoa Bars These tasty nutritional powerhouses tick all the boxes in the macronutrient stakes. Healthy Fats: coconut oil; Protein and Complex carbs: hemp, quinoa; Antioxidant: cacao and cranberries; Taste: hello chocolate. These are a great post workout snack, not to mention the kids will love these...

We are so lucky, dining-wise. This city is a buzz with sustainable, green and farm-to-table dining options. But there is still a standout of healthy spots that make the Nourished hit list. Of course home cooked is best—your inner chef has the salt/sugar/oil control—but we all...

Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become actions.Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character.Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.Everyday people ask me what makes me so healthy. What is my motivation and drive to strive...

I am psyched. I love nothing more than brimming baskets of farmer's market produce. Warmer months brings local, peak produce. Peak produce means tastier, and yes, more nutrient dense food. Produce is picked when ripe and there is very little transit time. Last summer I was lucky...

Kids, no doubt, are always hungry. They are busy navigating their creative worlds—constantly exploring, jumping, skipping, running, thinking, playing. So it’s important to fuel these high energy levels with nutrient dense snacks so they can thrive as opposed to nutrient void (sugar, refined flours) foods that...

Ruby Red Quinoa I love quinoa and I worship beets. I put these two superfood together along with my favourite greens and herbs and my quinoa has been heightened to new levels. This gluten-free, high fiber salad loaded in beta carotene and iron is the the...